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What do you know about National Cut Your Energy Costs Day?

By January 9, 2019September 22nd, 2023Home

Did you know what January 10th is National Cut Your Energy Costs Day?  Granted it’s not a big holiday, by comparison, but it came about with good reason.  Experts estimate about 30% of our average utility bills are just wasted energy. That charger you left plugged in all year long.  Or that leaky faucet you’ve been meaning to get fixed.  But there are many ways you can celebrate this national observance at home! Not just today or tomorrow, either.

Start Out Small

Honestly, just changing a few household habits could lead to big energy savings overall.  Try waiting to run your dishwasher or washing machine until you have a full load.  Do you use cold water for your clothing?  Or hot? By keeping it cold, you’re lowering your water heater usage with each spin cycle. Don’t forget about your other electronics while you’re at it!

Remember to turn off your printer or laptop when they’re not in use.  Or simply unplug all of those chargers unless you’re actually charging something.  You could even program your technology to help you cut energy costs.  With built-in timers that can power off virtually any device after several minutes of disuse, you won’t waste power idling.  They even have smart home systems that can be programmed to raise or lower temperatures based on when you use certain spaces.  All of these steps are super simple and allow you to lower your utility bills without any major lifestyle changes.

A Few Projects

If you’re up for the task, a few home maintenance matters can take this to the next level.  This year, on National Cut Your Energy Costs Day, start by focusing on air leaks.  These pesky problems are responsible for energy inefficiency in many homes! They tend to occur in areas without as much insulation, like your doors and windows.  While a thorough energy audit should uncover them, you can try a little DIY first.  Pay attention to places where drafts of cold air naturally come in.  Don’t be afraid to add more caulk or weather stripping to likely culprits.

Taking it a step further to add extra insulation to your siding, attic, and garage could also lead to big energy savings.  Depending on the age of your home and appliances, it might even be time to upgrade. Look for new windows, washers, and other electronics with the Energy Star mark.  They indicate greater energy efficiency automatically!  So, by investing in your home, you’re also helping the environment.


Some changes involve more input than others, but consider trying some of these tips this National Cut Your Energy Costs Day!  Even small steps add up when they lead to savings month after month.  You might also qualify for rebates or homeowners’ insurance discounts on larger projects.  For more information, call us at Freedom Insurance Agency!