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Tips to Protect Your Home While You Vacation

By August 11, 2015September 15th, 2023Insurance

Tips to Protect Your Home While You Vacation

 Burglars love an empty house. Don’t make it easy for them. Make your home look occupied, even when you’re away. Add these tips from Elli Bishop of to your checklist to do before you head off on your vacation.

  1. Hold your mail AND your newspaper. We usually remember to hold the mail; you can even do it online now. But don’t forget to call and put a hold on your newspaper, too. Nothing shouts “We’re not home!” like a pile of papers and mail building up on the front stoop.
  2. Put your lights, television and other electronics on timers. Have them come on at appropriate times to make everything look natural. Avoid leaving lights on continuously. That looks suspicious and runs up your bill unnecessarily.
  3. Ask a trustworthy neighbor to park in out front or use your driveway while you’re not there.
  4. If you’re going to be away for a week or more, hire a landscaper to keep the place mowed and spiffy looking. An unmown lawn attracts attention. It will make your neighbors happy, too!
  5. Let your neighbors know how long you’ll be away and ask them to report any suspicious activity. Offer to do the same for them.
  6. In this modern age, you might even give some thought to your social media posts. While it’s fun to let everyone know you’re having fun, you never know what friend of a friend of friend may be trolling the net for just that type of activity. Tighten your security settings as to who can see your posts. You could even consider waiting until you get back to show everyone what a good time you had.
  7. Don’t hand over your key to the bad guys. Put the spare key back in the drawer. If you keep a spare house key beneath the matt, under the plastic rock, or over the door, take it inside while you’re away. Or consider leaving it with a neighbor you trust if you think it might be necessary.

Freedom Insurance wants you to feel secure. Don’t wait ‘til it’s too late! Insure your home today.

Freedom Insurance Agency

(410) 795-2000 
