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Summer Maintenance Tips: August Edition

By August 1, 2018September 22nd, 2023Home

Now that we’re nearing the end of summer, your to-do list at home is changing!  If you want to keep your property looking its best, then August is the perfect in-between time to address that.  As you clean up from summer, you can also start to prepare your home for fall.  Just follow these simple suggestions and don’t forget to enjoy the rest of this month while you’re at it!

Spruce Up Your Landscaping

We’ve had some pretty strange weather this season, with fluctuating temperatures and heavy rainfall. So, start your projects outdoors this month.  Look out for any landscaping that may not have survived and try to replace it with plants that will (hopefully) fare better in fall’s cooler temperatures.  If you have a lot of mature trees, double check them, too.  The recent storms may have loosened some limbs or damaged the tree(s) altogether.  Pay particular attention to those closest to the house when pruning or removing hazards.  These are the ones most likely to cause damage during severe weather as we move through the seasons.

In addition, check the places where your landscaping naturally comes in contact with your house. Gutters, patios, porches, etc. may be especially vulnerable to outdoor debris and excess moisture.  Remove all the leaves/branches that you can—consider power washing to make your job a little easier—and ensure any waterproofing you have in place is still working properly.  Once all that’s done, it’s time to move onto the fun stuff!

Prepare Your Fireplace/Fire Pit

As the nights start to cool down, there’s nothing quite like a crackling fire to have you thinking “fall.” Whether you’ve got a fireplace inside, or an exterior fire pit, it’s always a good idea to frequently maintain these features—especially if you haven’t used them in a while.  Start by removing any ash buildup around the base and follow that with a professional inspection (at least for fireplaces). Once you’ve had it cleared, then it’s time to stock up on firewood and enjoy!

Look for Air Leaks

If you turn your air conditioning down and you still feel a cool breeze coming from within your house—that’s not necessarily a good sign.  Air leaks cost homeowners thousands of dollars a year when it comes to utility bills.  Not to mention, they could point to a more serious underlying problem. So, start with a visual inspection of both the interior and exterior looking for cracks, gaps, or worn weather stripping.  Other indications of air leaks include drafts and spaces where light seems to enter you home—outside of the normal doors and windows, of course.


Again, if you’re having trouble locating the source(s) on your own, consult the professionals!  Not only can they help you find the air leaks, but they should also be able to repair them and/or suggest other solutions. If you really want to save on your utility bills, though, get ready to swap out your summer bedding and blankets with heavier covers.  Break them out of storage, air them out, and wash/dry as needed.  Then, you’re good to go!



While summer’s not quite done with us, it’s best to spread these maintenance tips out over the coming weeks.  That way, you’ve still got plenty of time left to enjoy the warmer temperatures, too.  For more information on protecting your home, including a review of your current homeowner’s coverage and/or free quotes, give us a call! At Freedom Insurance, we’re happy to help with all your home insurance needs—and then some.