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Putting Off Car Repairs Is Seldom A Good Decision

By June 16, 2015September 15th, 2023Insurance

Is your car your passion or just a utilitarian tool? It makes no difference on which side you stand, putting off car repairs could spell big dollars, or even disaster. We all know that the value of your automobile drops as soon as you drive it off the sales lot, so it’s not really an investment per se. What you are really buying is usage, and you want the most you can get. While spending money on repairs does not raise the value of your auto, not repairing or maintaining your vehicle doesn’t make sense either.

Here are four common repairs not to ignore.

Low Engine Oil Level

Though seemingly minor, overlooking the engine oil light appearing on your dash is probably one of the worst mistakes inexperienced drivers make. Oil’s job is to prevent the moving parts or your engine from grinding on themselves and reduces engine heat as well. If you ignore the warning light and your engine runs out of oil, it will seize up. Then you’ll either need a new engine or a new car! Even if you recognize you error and fill it with fresh oil quickly, the likelihood of a full seizure soon after is great. It only takes a few miles of no oil to cause major damage. It’s your choice; pay for some oil now or a new car later.

Fuel Line Leak

As your automobile ages, it is common for fuel lines to crack and leak. Usually, you’ll notice a little puddle where you park or frequently smell gas inside your automobile. Do not ignore it! Most cars have rubber connectors at each end of the metal fuel line that runs from the tank to the engine. That’s where the cracking can occur in older vehicles. In most vehicles it’s an easy, inexpensive fix costing less than $200. And if you ignore that tiny little puddle? You’re running the risk of shortening your life, and the life of your automobile too, by becoming a fire causality. Get it fixed right away.

Water Pump Leak

When you some coolant in your driveway, heed the alarm bell that goes off in your head. If your water pump is leaking and you leave it unattended, the risk is overheating the engine. That can lead to a blown head gasket and major expense. Once the head gasket goes, the head must be removed and the cylinders pressure tested and checked for cracking. This could cost up to $2500. Fixing the leaky pump is much cheaper. Don’t ignore it.

Failure to Change Timing Belt

One of the things a timing belt does is to regulate when your engine’s valves open and close. If it is broken or warped in any way, it can result in the valves not opening or closing correctly, or even knocking into the engine block. Often, these need to be changed around the 70,000 to 100,000-mile mark. Check your car’s owner manual or ask your service technician what is recommended for your vehicle. Ignoring this can result in bent valves and broken pistons. You’re in real trouble when that happens. Your next decision is: new engine or new car?

Ignoring any of these repairs can be an inconvenience or a major disaster. Freedom Insurance cares about your safety. Don’t get stranded on the road, or even worse, because you put off a minor repair.
