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Plant-based recipes that aren’t salads

By June 23, 2020September 22nd, 2023Insurance

There’s no need to go fully vegan or vegetarian to take advantage of the benefits of a plant-based diet, and there’s no better time than now to start adding more of them into your diet with enthusiasm.

Food is what makes life possible, and that much better, and so much more tasty and delicious. Eating for health doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice everything that makes food so enjoyable for you. With so many popular elimination diets out there right now (that often contradict each other), balancing this issue can seem complicated. But it doesn’t have to be. 

Instead of focusing on what to cut out, try keeping it positive by merely incorporating more fresh whole foods and vegetables into your diet. Here are some delicious recipes to help you get started. 

Skinny Pasta Primavera

What better time than Spring to enjoy a pasta primavera – it’s all in the name! This easy one-pot dish is loaded with fresh seasonal veggies and herbs. 

Homemade Pickles

I don’t know about you, but when I eat a delicious meal, I try to identify where all the flavor is coming from. I’ve discovered that sometimes there’s a crunchy pickled vegetable element that really brings the dish to the next level. Pickled vegetables are easy to make at home, and if you have kids, this might be a good activity for them as well. Here’s an easy guide on how to make homemade pickled vegetables. 

Mushroom Leek Risotto

Risotto is delicious Italian comfort food. Have you tried it? I know this might be a shock to you, but even though this dish is super creamy, it doesn’t have any cream in its recipe! That’s because the liquid brings out the starch in the arborio rice, giving the dish te creamy texture. Many recipes, traditionally rely on butter and cheese for flavor, merely swapping these ingredients for their plant-based alternatives, and voila! You have a plant-based risotto! With only eight ingredients and ready in 30 minutes, this Mushroom Leek Risotto will make you feel like a real chef once you’ve made it. 

Eat it as its entree or serve it on the side! This dish is just too dreamy not to try.