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Inexpensive Ways To Burglar-Proof Your Home

By May 31, 2016September 21st, 2023Home

A home security system, especially one that is monitored, is the best way to protect your home and family. But a monitored system is not cheap. Here are some inexpensive ways to protect home from burglars.


According to FBI statistics, a home break in occurs in the U.S every 14.4 seconds. And 34% of intruders enter through the front door and another 22% enter through the backdoor. Those may be startling statistics, but it does provide an important clue to beefing up your security: Start with your doors. Installing a deadbolt in one of the easiest and most cost effective ways to protect you family and belongings. A quality deadbolt will cost about $25 and a little time to install it. But the peace of mind is immeasurable.  Once in place, be sure to use your deadbolt at all times, even when you’re home.


Experienced burglars will case a home first before they ever break in. This way they can measure their risk/reward by determining whether your goods are worth the effort.  One easy thing you can do to make your home burglar-unfriendly is to hang curtains or blinds on every window (go cordless if you have young children.) If thieves can’t see in, they will most likely move down the block to the next potential victim.

Sliding Doors

Here’s another easy one. If you have sliding doors in your home, put a wooden rod in the track frame. This will make it harder for burglars to open without breaking the glass.

Lock Up

The best deterrent is to lock your doors and windows! And do the same with the garage, too. Do this even when you’re at home, especially when you’re sleeping. Not even the most expensive locks will protect you if you don’t use them! 

Garage Door

Whether you’re washing the car, unloading groceries or the kids were getting their bikes out, it’s easy to open the garage and forget to close it. For about $40 you can install a garage door timer that automatically closes after a preset period of time. For convenience, there’s a manual override in case you purposely want to keep it open. But don’t walk away and forget it! 


Take a walk around the exterior wall of your home and make sure your landscaping doesn’t provide easy hiding spots for would-be burglars. Trim any large bushes and trees that may obscure entrances to your home. If you do want plants near windows and doors, plant some nice thorny, spiked, and pain-inducing landscaping that will deter any would-be intruders.

You don’t have to spend a fortune to protect your home from burglars. These inexpensive tips could save you real dollars.

Freedom Insurance Agency knows that burglaries do happen. And when they do, the peace of mind that comes from good insurance protection can lessen your stress. Call today for your free consultation! 

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