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How to Care for Your Car This Winter

By January 23, 2019September 22nd, 2023Auto

While you can never tell what a Maryland winter will bring, it’s important to care for your car differently this season!  Be prepared for the challenges wintery weather can bring with a few extra precautions. These tips will help protect you, your vehicles, and ultimately other drivers on the road.  As long as you remember to,

1. Check Your Tires

Start from the bottom and work your way up!  While you don’t necessarily have to install snow tires and chains around here, upgrading this important part of your vehicle can give you better traction in cold weather. Even if it doesn’t snow!  If you don’t want to go quite that far, be sure to check your tire treads and pressure frequently.  Did you know that the air pressure will automatically drop with temperature fluctuations?  It only takes a difference of 10 degrees Fahrenheit to lose one pound of pressure. So, even if you checked it recently, you could be driving on underinflated tires if it gets too cold, too quickly. Ultimately, this leads to poorer traction and reduces the life of your tires.  Try to stay on top of it this winter!

2. Add An Extra Layer

Much as we layer up during this time of year, your car would appreciate a little extra coverage, too. Keep your fluids fuller than normal, keep at least a 1/2 tank of gas regularly, and think about waxing your vehicle on top of that.  The fluids and gas will help your engine stay lubricated and efficient through these colder months.  While waxing seems like a luxury, it’s actually an important step to protect your car’s exterior from all the salt, grime, and other elements on the road. Did you know that the snow melt we use on roads can damage your paint job?  Especially if left unchecked.  But the additional layer of wax between your car and these chemicals helps to protect your vehicle from corrosion.  Not to mention, it’ll look better, too!

3. Brush Up on Battery Basics

A lot of people assume that winter weather damages car batteries.  While that’s not exactly true, you are more likely to require a jump or replacement this season.  That’s because the warm summer months wear down your battery life—you just don’t notice until now.  When the colder temperatures force batteries to work harder, they start to show potential problems.  Which could leave you stranded, with the wrong timing.  Consider having your battery volt tested soon, if you haven’t had it done already, and always keep a set of jumper cables in your car.  They even make back-up battery packs—similar to what you use for your phone or other electronic devices—that can be used to jumpstart your vehicle!  Just make sure your device is compatible with your engine.  Larger vehicles often require more voltage than these packs can provide.


Apart from caring for your car maintenance, now’s also a good time to double check your coverage. Especially if you’re the type who drives through winter weather, you’ll want to have the right auto insurance in place. Visit Freedom Insurance Agency for more tips like these and a free review of your current plans!