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5 Things to do with kids during the quarantine

By May 19, 2020December 12th, 2022Insurance

Those who have children know that confinement can be even crueler to children than adults. Accustomed to spending energy on walks at the park, at school, or playgrounds, the little ones are stressed after long periods without leaving home. However, the protection against coronavirus does not have to be martyrdom. For experts, quarantine can be an opportunity for parents and children to do more activities together.

Right now, we are spending a lot of time with our families, which allows us to strengthen family bonds. There are a lot of people sharing games, activities, and challenges to do as a group on social networks. The balance between leisure and routine should be preserved.

To alleviate boredom in free time, we have listed some easy, economical, and fun activities that can help. 

1. Cooking with the family

Bringing children to the kitchen is an excellent opportunity to integrate them into the activities of the house. Little ones can help by breaking eggs for a cake or even putting their hands in the dough to make cookies, loaves of bread and pizzas. Preparing a fruit salad, for example, can be useful for them to discover new flavors and consume healthy foods.

2. Set up camp

Improvising a camping trip with sheet huts in the living room and pillows on the floor can generate entertainment for a long time. To enhance the fun, have a picnic with a colorful towel, fruit, and cookies.

3. Growing plants and vegetables

Confinement can be an excellent time to start growing a plant or spice. Children love to tinker with the earth, and having a little plant teaches care, as well as being an opportunity to follow the life cycle of a vegetable. Those who live in apartments can set up a small vegetable garden on the balcony or in the service area, for example.

4. Making soap bubbles

A simple game that always pleases is soap bubbles. You can prepare the mixture at home, with water and detergent, and form molds with wire or string to play on the balcony, patio, or even the window. On the internet, there are also homemade recipes for slime, clay, and paint. These are things that little ones love and stimulate creativity.

5. Invent a toy

In the children’s universe, any object can become a toy. Papers, rolls of toilet paper, fabric scraps, pet bottles, lids, and boxes can be reused and take on another meaning in the hands of children, becoming a cart, a robot, or a hut. Stimulate.

What ways are you keeping your children busy during the quarantine?