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3 Things to Do Before the End of the Year

By December 26, 2018September 22nd, 2023Savings

While that’s only a few days away, these tips won’t you take you too long!  The end of the year is the perfect time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished and make a plan for the future.  Whether you’re considering your personal or professional life, take a second to tie up some loose ends.  Then, you can approach 2019 with a fresh mindset and a clean slate!

1. Focus on Your Health

When you’re juggling a bunch of different responsibilities, your health typically falls down the list of priorities.  You know those checkups and other appointments you’ve been putting off all year? Call and schedule them.  If not for the end of this year, then for the beginning of next.  It’s also important to clear some time for regular health maintenance.  You don’t have to make that New Year resolution to exercise more and join your local gym alongside everyone else.  Maybe for you, it just means drinking more water and taking an extra 15-30 minutes a day to relax and stretch.  We each have our own path to healthy, be sure to think about yours!

2. Double Check Your Benefits

In the benefits world, the New Year means “RESET” for many people.  Whether your plan year starts January 1stor not, now’s a great time just to check what you have.  Frequently, we sign up for something and push it to the back of our minds until we need to use it.  However, by then, the coverage we think we have and the coverage(s) we actually have could be very different.  So, talk to us, talk your health insurance broker, your vision and dental carriers to pull all current plans.  If you need any help interpreting your policies or answering specific questions, our customer service team is ready to assist you!  We can always update your benefits, so you have a fresh start for the new year.

3. Set Some Goals

Whether or not you’re a big proponent of New Year’s resolutions, it’s always good to set goals for yourself.  Both in your personal and professional life.  As you look back on what you’ve accomplished in 2018, are you where you thought you’d be? More importantly, are you where you want to be?  If not, what steps can you take to get there?  Try to break your goals down into smaller, more achievable pieces you can reasonably reach in 2019.  For example, if you’d like to become a millionaire one day—because, let’s face it, who wouldn’t?—then start by increasing your income.  Maybe that’s a 10% increase over this year’s revenue or even 20% growth.  Still, that sounds much more doable than adding “make a million dollars” to your to-do list.

Don’t forget to have some fun with it!  If one of your personal goals is to travel to Alaska, what’s realistically stopping you? Is it the money?  Then, set up a saving plan for yourself in the New Year. Is it just a matter of figuring out transportation and then actually booking it?  Clear some time to start researching your options.  You’d be surprised what you can achieve when you really sit down and think about what you what.  Since it’s the end of 2018, why wait?

As we’re working through this list ourselves, one thing we want to be certain that we take care of is thanking all of you!  We’ve truly enjoyed working with our amazing clients this past year, and we can’t wait to see what the new year will bring.  If there’s anything we can do to help you close out the end of the year, don’t hesitate to contact us at Freedom Insurance Agency.  Here’s to 2019!