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10 Surprising Things That Could Be Covered by Home Owners Insurance.

By August 16, 2016September 21st, 2023Home

Check with your agent when things go awry, these could be included in your policy, but just a reminder to always check because random things could be included in your policy that you wouldn’t imagine.

Accidents That Happen Away From Home. Accidents that happen when you are away from home that don’t involve a car are generally covered. So if you accidentally injure somebody during a tag football game on the beach, you could possibly file a liability claim through your homeowners policy.

Dog Bites. Around one-third of homeowners claims are for dog bites. Policies typically provide $100,000 to $300,000 of liability coverage towards injuries caused by your pet.

Dorm Room Burglary. Even when your kids leave with all their things for school they can still file a claim thru your off-premises personal property coverage. Typical requirements are they must be a full-time student living on campus, under the age of 26.

Fire Department Bills. It’s a possibility the fire department may send you a bill after they are called to your house. Depending on the reason the fire department was called, your homeowners policy may cover it.

Identity Theft. Some policies will help out with expenses due to your identity being stolen. This could include lawyer fees, lost wages, and fees charged for reapplying for loans if you were rejected based on inaccurate credit bureau information.

Libel and Slander. Your libelous, slanderous deeds could be covered by homeowners liability insurance. So if your kid slanders their ex-best friend to their new best friends on Facebook, the liability portion of your homeowners policy kicks in to help cover the bite to your bank account when the ex-best friend’s parents sue you.

Mandatory Upgrades. For instance, if your city passes a new ordinance that forces you to make some costly property improvements in order to bring it up to code, the improvements could be covered. Look for ordinance coverage in your policy to see if you qualify.

Meteorites & Space Debris. The odds of your house being struck by anything from outer space are slim, but it has happened. Meteorites, satellites, and occasionally bits and pieces of airplanes flying overhead all are covered under a “falling objects” clause in most policies.

Riots & Terrorist Attacks. Did rioters loot your tool shed? Your homeowner’s insurance has you covered. Same goes for damage caused by terrorist attacks (like explosions and fires), though many policies have specific exclusions with regards to terrorist activity.

Spoiled Food. If a power outage causes your freezer to thaw and your food to spoil, call your insurance agent to see if you can file a claim. Most policies will cover spoiled groceries up to $500.

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